CONNECTING COMMUNITIES: Perspectives and Challenges of Digitization.
CERTAL / Annual Ministerial Summit / Madrid
February 21 and 22, 2024

Again in the city of Madrid, on February 21 and 22, 2024, the international Summit will
take place at the Ateneo de Madrid, during the week prior to MWC Barcelona. For the second consecutive year, the event will bring together global exponents and will be the opportunity to discuss ideas and proposals among professionals, researchers, government authorities, regulators, public officials, business leaders and industry experts.

The meeting will include the following topics:
– The prospective analysis of the sector as a promoter of sustainability.
– The exchange of knowledge, experiences and public-private best practices in the
field of telecommunications and digital transformation.

The thematic guidelines will be:
a. The steps to follow so that connectivity includes and contemplates diversity.
b. Telecommunications infrastructure as the basis of the ecosystem for digital transformation,
economic competitiveness and social well-being.
c. IoT, Artificial Intelligence and 5G. Ethics and regulatory challenges.
d. Fair share in net neutrality environments: how to find balance in the ecosystem.
e. The keys to effectively combat illegal trade in converging industries. Transparency
and Cybersecurity as essential elements of the new global digital agenda.
f. Public policies to promote the production of audiovisual content.

Wednesday February 21, 2024

  • 08:30 – 09:00 / Reception and registration of participants.
    Welcome and registration of participants.
  • 09:00 – 09:30 / Opening Table (greeting authority/s).
    • Antonio Magraner, General Secretary of the Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs / CEAJE and Permanent General Secretary of FIJE.
    • Roberto Bosch, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Spain.
    • Hernán Verdaguer, Director of Regulatory Affairs at Telecom Argentina.
    • Karim Lesina, Executive VP of Corporate Affairs and Institutional Relations at Millicom-Tigo.
    • Pablo Scotellaro, Executive President of CERTAL.
    • Presenter: Ian Garrahan, Journalist.
  • 09:30 – 10:00 / Opening Keynote. «Challenges and trends for the telecommunications industry in Latin America».
    • Juan Luis Núñez Tissinetti, Director of NGO País Digital and international consultant.
  • 10:00 – 10:05 / CERTAL Recognition.
    • Flama Delivery.
  • 10:05 – 11:00 / Panel: “Public policies for connectivity and inclusion incentives.”
    • Alfredo Deluque Zuleta, Senator of the Republic of Colombia.
    • César Martín, Minister of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador.
    • Juan Ardissone, Vice Minister of Information and Communication Technologies of Paraguay / MITIC.
    • Maryleana Méndez, General Secretary of the Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Companies – ASIET.
    • Konstantinos Masselos, Vice-Chair of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).
    • Moderator: Ignacio Corlazzoli, Manager in Europe, Asia and the Middle East at CAF.
  • 11:00 –11:15 / Networking space and interactive Coffee Break.
    Discussion tables on topics such as connectivity, inclusion and sustainability.
  • 11:15 – 11:30 / Fireside Chat. “Europe, and Latin America. Between geopolitics and digital opportunity”.
    • Carlos Lopez Blanco, Expert in digital economy and regulation of the telecommunications market.
      Presenter: Jorge Negrete, President of Digital Policy & Law Group – DPL Group.
  • 11:30 –12:15 / Panel: “New crimes in the digital age. Cybersecurity.”
    • Virginia Cervieri, Managing Partner of the Cervieri Mosuárez Study and President of the Chamber to Fight Piracy and Smuggling of Uruguay.
    • Miguel Ignacio Estrada, Chief Strategic Relations Officer of the Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean – LACNIC.
    • Alexandru Nazare, Member of the Senate of Romania.
    • Juan C. Buitrago, Retired General. Expert in National Security, State Security, Public Security and Citizen Security.
    • Moderator: Piero Bonadeo, President of the Center for Latin America Convergence – CCLATAM.
  • 12:15 – 13:00 / Panel: “Reimagining regulation in the era of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.”
    • Alejandro Sánchez, Senator of Uruguay for the Frente Amplio.
    • Francisco Gómez Martos, Doctor in Political Sciences and Economist. Former European Union official. Regular collaborator of the French «Robert Schuman» Foundation.
    • Pamela Gidi, Former Undersecretary of Telecommunications of the Government of Chile, Consultant and Business Director.
    • Eduardo López Román, Professor of Digital Law at the University of Barcelona (IL3), Vice President of ENATIC (Spanish Association of Digital Lawyers) and Coordinator in Europe of the Ibero-American Forum on Digital Rights.
    • Moderator: Jorge Negrete, President of Digital Policy & Law Group – DPL Group.
  • 13:00 – 13:15 / Keynote: “Cybersecurity”.
    • David Hoffman, Steed Family Professor of the Practice of Cybersecurity Policy at the Sanford School of Public Policy. Duke University.

As the world continues to become more interconnected, it is becoming increasingly more important to protect our data and our systems. The cybersecurity threats, ranging from ransomware to phishing, grow in complexity every day. This seminar aims to provide participants with an in-depth overview of what cybersecurity threats exist today, as well as a comprehensive guide to how to deal with these threats in the future.

Workshop Objectives:
Participants will learn about ransomware, critical infrastructure and its role in cybersecurity, public private partnerships, and how investment can begin to attack these threats.

THEMES / February 21.
Day 1 – The Threat
A. Overview of the cybersecurity threat landscape.
B. Deep dive on ransomware.
C. Deep dive on risks to critical infrastructure and trustworthiness of hardware and software (country specific examples).
D. Results of Latam specific threat research.

Thursday February 22, 2024

  • 09:00 – 09:30 / Reception of participants.
    Welcome and registration of participants.
  • 09:30 – 10:00 / Meet and Greet. “Future visions and business strategies.”
    • Roberto Nobile, CEO of Telecom Argentina.
      Presenter: Jorge Negrete, President of Digital Policy & Law Group – DPL Group.
  • 10:00 – 10:45 / Panel: “Analog regulations for digital industries.”
    • Julissa Cruz Abreu, Executive Director of the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (INDOTEL).
    • Sóstenes Díaz González, Commissioner at the Federal Institute of Telecommunications of Mexico / IFT.
    • Armando Fuentes, General Administrator of the National Authority of Public Services of Panama (ASEP).
    • Sadi Contreras Fuset, Commissioner of the Colombian Communications Regulatory Commission / CRC.
    • José Juan Haro, Chief Wholesale and Public Affairs Officer of Telefónica Hispanoamérica.
    • Juan Carlos Duarte, President of the National Telecommunications Commission of Paraguay / CONATEL.
    • Moderator: Juan P. Fernández Bogado, Lawyer, Communicator and University Lecturer of the National University of Asunción – UNA and Private Universities.
  • 10:45 – 11:00 / Networking space and interactive Coffee Break.
    Opportunities to connect with experts and opinion leaders in specific areas.
  • 11:00 – 11:30 / Keynote Interview.
    • Adina-Ioana Vălean, European Commissioner for Transport.
    • Interviewer: Billy Linville, Partner of Lexicon Strategies.
  • 11:30 – 12:15 / Panel: “Infrastructure, 5G and IoT regulation.”
    • Oscar León, General Secretary of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission, CITEL-OAS.
    • Verena Weber, Head of the Communication Infrastructures and Services Policy Unit at the OECD’s.
    • Alejandra de Iturriaga, Director of Telecommunications and the Audiovisual Sector of the National Commission of Markets and Competition of Spain – CNMC.
    • Jaume Gaytán, Head of Economy and Business of the Ibero-American General Secretariat / SEGIB.
    • Moderator: Ana Valero, Director of Public Policies at Telefónica Hispam.
  • 12:15 – 13:00 / Panel: “Artificial Intelligence and Society. Building an intelligent future together”.
    • Joanna Jarecka-Gómez, Polish writer, former Director and Deputy Secretary General of the EPP Group in the European Parliament. “The Impact of AI on artistic creation”.
    • Victor Munoz, Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
    • Moderator: Diego Molano Vega, Former Minister of Information and Communications Technologies of Colombia and Expert in Digital Transformation.
  • 13:00 – 13:15 / Conclusions and Closing.
    Summary of key themes, strategies for future action, and next steps for attendees.
    • Heber Martínez, CEO of the CERTAL Leadership and Development Training Center.
  • 13:15 – 13:30 / Signing of Agreement.
    • Lahouari Benarba Ben Mahiedinne Al Hassani, President at Les Jeunes du Monde Unis.

THEMES / February 22.
Day 2 – How to Address the Threat.

A. What is “reasonable security”.
B. What government agencies are impacted and how should they coordinate.
C. How should government work with the private sector (collaborator vs. enforcer).
D. Country specific examples of efforts to coordinate within government and with the private sector.
E. Importance of effective risk management approach and regional and international collaboration.


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